Right now, you may have a bunch of issues overwhelming you. You may feel defeated by the way you live. You may be using camouflage to keep people from seeing these parts of your life.(Religion is one example, but another is being socially outgoing or its...
Restoration in a Transformational Community 2: You Can’t Restore Those You Don’t Value I am guiding several leaders who are collectively dealing with a deeply tragic family situation. Unfaithfulness, addiction, inner family conflict and extended family...
Restoration in a Transformational Community 1: Restoring those Who Crash and Burn It’s tough to talk about the tragic. A formerly well respected pastor, loved son, husband and father dies by his own hand. This came after a year of sad revelations. Shock waves raced...
Paul concludes his contrast between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit with the admonition: “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25) While it seems that Paul’s audience understood what he means, I find that...
As is my habit, I sat at the back of the room where the seminar was taking place. Close to the door, you know. Ready to be first out the door to get to the airport on time. The last speaker had launched into his talk, but it was after lunch and I was sleepy. I thought...
A key leader of a church resigned and left his church family of many years recently. More will follow him out the door. This is the conclusion of months of growing conflict that he helped to set into motion. All along the way, there were moments where bringing in wise...
I shared a meal with a pastor of a recovering church recently. The church had gone through a long decline, watching long time members pass or move away. Its financial support became fragile and its future uncertain. The one thing that we both agreed on was that it...
Pastors and leaders all want to see their congregations grow. This is a primary reason why leaders read certain books, go to certain seminars and work on certain skill sets. Deep down, leaders measure their effectiveness in ministry by their church’s ability to make...
A pastor of a church which had been at over 500 asked me to help him understand why his congregation was declining. They were culturally relevant in how they sowed the gospel in their community and had many good things happening. As we explored the Healthy Church...