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Healthy Church Systems Part 17: Training Disciplers

  I learned how to disciple others out of necessity. I was in my first year as a pastor and realized I knew zilch (technical term for ‘nothing’) about the process because I had never been discipled by another person. I had ‘learned’ how to follow Jesus through...

Healthy Church Systems Part 3: Increasing Capacity/1

The church I was visiting had grown from a plant to over 1000 attenders. I sat with the pastor before the Sunday morning celebration and listened to him express both the blessing and challenge of leading such a large congregation. As I probed his current needs, he...

Healthy Church Systems Part 11: Building Leadership Teams

I suspect that no one is surprised by the idea that a good leader needs a team of people around him. John Maxwell calls this The Law of the Inner Circle, meaning “Think of any highly effective leader and you will find someone who surrounded himself with a strong inner...

Healthy Church Systems Part 10: The Leadership Skeleton

I know of a church that has a congregation of over 500 attenders, but only one pastor on staff. Looking in from the outside, you might wonder how one person can possibly handle the demands of so many. But if you take an inside look and see, you would discover that...