Restoration in a Transformational Community 8: Learning from Jesus How to Be a Safe Person Another truth that Apostle John’s story shows us about being safe is that you cannot be put off by the nature of the sin the person committed. Shocking though it may seem to...
Restoration in a Transformational Community 7: Learning from Your Own Brokenness How to Be a Safe Person How do you unlearn deeply ingrained judgmental beliefs that get in the way of loving someone enough to engage in their restoration? Paul’s answer is to watch...
Restoration in a Transformational Community 3: What is Restoration? My first exposure to restoration of sinful people took place at the church I attended during my college years. I was dumbfounded first when a lovable church member got mixed up with ‘the other woman’...
Restoration in a Transformational Community 2: You Can’t Restore Those You Don’t Value I am guiding several leaders who are collectively dealing with a deeply tragic family situation. Unfaithfulness, addiction, inner family conflict and extended family...
Restoration in a Transformational Community 1: Restoring those Who Crash and Burn It’s tough to talk about the tragic. A formerly well respected pastor, loved son, husband and father dies by his own hand. This came after a year of sad revelations. Shock waves raced...