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You’re the Guy!

Restoration in a Transformational Community 5: You’re the Guy! In many cases, restoration has to start with a “Nathan moment.” I have worked with numerous people in restoration who assumed that the people caught in sin referred to in Galatians 6 had...

Is Restoration Worth the Trouble?

Restoration in a Transformational Community 4: Is Restoration Worth the Trouble? Transformational churches are full of people who are just as messy as those who attend churches that teach reformational life. So what do you do with people who have messed up . . ....

What is Restoration?

Restoration in a Transformational Community 3: What is Restoration? My first exposure to restoration of sinful people took place at the church I attended during my college years. I was dumbfounded first when a lovable church member got mixed up with ‘the other woman’...

You Can’t Restore Those You Don’t Value

Restoration in a Transformational Community 2: You Can’t Restore Those You Don’t Value I am guiding several leaders who are collectively dealing with a deeply tragic family situation. Unfaithfulness, addiction, inner family conflict and extended family...

Restoring Those Who Crash and Burn

Restoration in a Transformational Community 1:  Restoring those Who Crash and Burn It’s tough to talk about the tragic. A formerly well respected pastor, loved son, husband and father dies by his own hand. This came after a year of sad revelations. Shock waves raced...