The Key to Deep Change
Transformational Discipleship
Every believer needs to face their unfinished business and pursue intimacy with God so they will surrender it, and be healed and freed. This is the means by which God changes us into the likeness of Jesus.
Every church needs to deal with past spiritual traumas by discipling every believer in how to be deeply changed by the power of God’s Spirit so that the congregation can be healed and freed.
Unfinished Business is simply whatever emotional, mental, and spiritual baggage you continue to carry after coming to faith.
– Dr. Steve Smith


Key to Deep Change Seminar (Unfinished Business)
Introduces the transformational journey of every believer. Prepares you for an 11-week discipling intensive without fear of judgment or rejection.
Click links below.

The Key to Deep Change (Book)
Deepens the lessons taught in the seminar, answering questions and giving insight to the transformational process.
Click links below.

Small Group Discipling Intensive
This 11-week study gives believers time to digest and process the truths of the transformational gospel so they can apply it directly to their life. The goal is to pursue intimacy with God so you can be healed and freed. Available in print and Kindle.
Click link below.

KTDC Basic Facilitator Training
Now that you’ve set out on your transformational journey, you can begin to help others. This five-hour training course will prepare you to facilitate a group in facing and surrendering their unfinished business. Inquire about facilitator training when you
Click link below.
Key to Deep Change Church Starter Kit
Key to Deep Change Starter Kit: The starter kit will get you started in discipling believers to be changed deeply by God. Included are 10 KTDC books, 2 leader’s guide and 8 participant guides, plus the KTDC Seminar video
Click link below.

Transformational Culture
Build Deep explains the nature of transformational church culture and how to align your preaching, discipling and spiritual counseling with this gospel-centered truth. See people move from trying to reform themselves to be like Jesus to people being transformed into the likeness of Jesus.
Click links below.
Transformational Counselor Training
Counseling is an intense form of discipling. Now that you have personally experienced deep change by God’s Spirit, you can learn how to use this process to effectively counsel people who may be deeply stuck because of past hurts and decisions toward wholeness. This Certificate Program is a 16-week live online course.
Click link below.

Heart Chart Tool
Why are people I care about seemingly unable to become emotionally healthy? This deceptively simple tool will help you become aware of what is going on inside others – and yourself. Teaches you what a person needs to decide to really become emotionally, mentally and spiritually whole.

Symptom Discovery Inventory
Designed to guide you to discover actions, beliefs and attitudes in you that do not reflect the character of Jesus. Identifying your symptoms will lead you to understand what God wants to show you in your heart.

Hurt of the Heart Inventory
A personal assessment tool that exposes you to 36 categories of emotional wounds, guides you to explore how you are interpreting them and prepares you to decide if you want to get well.

Deadly Sin Inventory
Designed to guide you past your self-protection to learn which of the deadly sins you are using to comfort yourself.